Philip M Keating Fund for the Future.
"Phil's Fund" is a donor-advised charitable fund of the Arlington Community Foundation. The Fund will make grants to various organizations to which Phil volunteered his efforts, time, and talents.

On May 28, 2013 a group of four fit and ambitious friends of Phil, led by his good friend, Luis Gendive, soccer coach and native of Spain, will leave Yorktown, Virginia and pedal around 3,500 miles to San Francisco, California. Tentative plans are for some members of Phil's family to ride the first leg of the trip. If your not able to join the team on your bike, you can support them with a financial donation!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Total Raised

We we would like to thank everyone that donated to this cause and helped us get through this trip. It was a wonderful experience.
Total Raised:  $7,622

1 comment:

  1. Guys - well done on that ride.
    Am writing as I was a classmate of Phil's at Immaculata High School (Somerville, NJ); last night - with no warning - he appeared very briefly but as clear as day in a dream. Life is strange, I was never a buddy of his but liked his quiet confidence...and he was a thoughful ballplayer on the court.
    Last time this happened it involved a death too, but that was a buddy's father - time does move one but Phil's gone too soon - so pleased tho to read of his accomplishments and the respect he had throughout the community.
    Well done on that ride, again. I did NJ to Indiana, that was plenty and you did four times that at least.
